Uploading Synthetic Patient Data to a HAPI FHIR server using Synthea and Python

I created a small python script to upload patient resources from bundle json files into a fhir server. When prototyping fhir apps I have normally used public fhir servers which are widely available. Here is a good list of publicly available fhir servers. However, most of these servers reset their data periodically. They also might not be always available. I decided to deploy a local fhir server so I have more control and can experiment with writing data and persisting more complex patient examples.
Zoom Cooking App with React

With quarantine on day who knows what I decided to create a basic app based on a class project from Human Computer Interaction and Design. One of my team projects I worked on at Georgia tech was to design an app that allowed you to cook a meal together online. This was a group project where we analyzed and developed a user interface for a video app for cooking. We created the basic layout but never implemented it as a functioning app. I decided to use the principles we learned from the project and make a zoom app where people can cook together and follow a recipe.
Pneumonia Clinical Stability Predictor Using FHIR & React

Our objective was to predict the clinical stability of patients with clinically acquired pneumonia. I was in charge of the frontend and in this post I will show you some of the react elements I used for the UI.....
Create a Care Card in React Native

This is the first of the series to make a mindful eating app using react-native and FHIR. The overall app will have a high level dashboard to show the current mental and health state for patients....
How to Setup Spark Streaming for Kafka
This will be a quick setup guide on how to run the Spark Kafka streaming word count example. The Kafka streaming example does not work right out of the box because...
Getting Started With React Native and Firebase Tutorial
I finally bit the bullet and bought a mac recently. The first thing i wanted to do was try out was Xcode and build some simple apps. I have past experience using React so i thought it would be natural to play around with React Native to build a simple app with a firebase backend...
Real-Time Medical Device Vital Signs Prediction Using Kafka and Spark (Part 1)

This is the first part of our near-realtime vital signs predicting & alerting application. We will be simulating streaming vital sign data from medical devices using Apache Kafka. The streaming data can then be used..
Exploring Anesthesia Patient Vitals Data Using Apache Spark and Scala
Today we are going to dive into analyzing patient vital signs data from a surgical case using Apache Spark.
Real-time Vitals Dashboard Using PubNub FHIR & React.js

We are going to make a real-time vitals dashboard to display a patient's SpO2 and blood pressure data. We will use React.js to create modular reactive components that will seamlessly update our dashboard with data we subscribe to using PubNub...
Creating a scatter plot with brush using D3.js v4

Since d3.js v4 came out I have been trying to figure out how to create a basic brush to explore my scatter plot data. As soon as I thought I figured...
Playing with FHIR and C3.js to Graph Blood Pressure Data
I have been playing around with D3.js and C3.js to help visualize health data from FHIR. Today I will show you how to make a simple and interactive graph...
The Patient Generated Health Data Deluge
Imagine a patient comes to you with their year’s worth of blood pressure data on a thumb drive. You don’t know what device ...
How Tweaking Your Pullups Can Improve Your Life
Repetition and practice makes perfect are the only ways to improve, right? Well if you keep on doing the same thing ...
Real Time Tracking Systems in Healthcare
Real time location system (RTLS) in health care is a technology that helps track and identify medical devices, assets, and patients...